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August 25, 2020

Five Tips for Online Learning

The fall 2020 semester is under way, and because of COVID-19 a number of courses this year are virtual. To support students far and wide, Hege Library and Learning Technologies provides these five tips to improve your online learning experience.

“Hege Library and Learning Technologies supports students as online learners. We loan out devices to students in need of them for coursework. We provide digital access to resources across disciplines. And we support students in learning how to thoughtfully and effectively use new technologies. We are here to help — our motto is, ‘Just ask!’” says Tierney Steelberg, Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship Technologist.

1. Learn the technology.

Whether you’ve used Canvas before or this is your first time, it’s always good to get familiar with (or refresh your memory on) Guilford’s course management tool. Canvas is where all of your class information is located. And it’s important to know how Canvas works before your first assignment is due. If your professor is using additional programs, be sure to explore that software as early as possible, too.

2. Get to know your professors.

Your professors want you to succeed, and they can provide a wealth of information. Take advantage of virtual face-to-face time by engaging and contributing to online discussions to build deeper connections. Many professors are also available for virtual office hours. You don’t have to wait until you’re struggling with a topic. Set up some time to learn about their work and research or how you can get more out of a certain course.

3. Prepare your space.

Finding a quiet place to focus on your online courses is essential. Ask your roommates, family members, or whoever you live with to be respectful of your class schedule. Make sure you stay away from distractions like TVs and phones. Keep note-taking supplies nearby during lectures. And set up a file structure on your computer so you can easily find readings and assignments.

4. Establish a routine.

A daily routine keeps you focused, ensuring you complete assignments on time. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, just as you would for in-person classes. Keep a regular lunchtime. And study between classes to maintain structure.

5. Ask for help!

The entire Guilford College community wants you to succeed. There are a number of resources available for students. Ask for help when you need it! 

CAPE is here to support you. You can schedule a meeting with your CAPE adviser via Navigate. They will be in touch with you about how to connect for your appointment virtually — Zoom, Google Hangouts, or phone — after you schedule. Check out the CAPE staff page to view contact information for each adviser, or reach out to with questions.

CAPE also launched a Virtual Help Desk, accessible via Zoom, to assist with quick questions. Feel free to ask about Navigate, Banner, Handshake, help with your resume or cover letter, or other academic or career services and questions.

The Hege Library team, the Learning and Writing Center, and the Accessibility Resource Center are also great resources. No matter your need or question, no matter how big or small your issue seems, there is an expert at Guilford who’s ready to help.

Guilford College offers a number of academic resources to ensure student success. Contact the Office of Admission at 336.316.2100 or or schedule your personalized visit to learn more.