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April 17, 2024

Zulfiya Tursunova Presents at the 12th Annual London Research Workshop on Gender inequalities and women’s rights in Central Asia

Chairperson of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies and an Associate Professor, Zulfiya Tursunova, gave a talk on “Precarity amid COVID -19 in Uzbekistan” at the London Central Asia Research Network held on January 27th, 2024. Feminist scholars examined the impact of precarity on women’s empowerment and bargaining power, and how their agency affects outcomes such as health and domestic violence. In the Asia Pacific, while the job losses and the decline of working hours impacted both genders’ mental health, women who experienced an increase in unpaid domestic and care work were more likely to report a decline in mental and emotional well-being than men who experienced such an increase. According to the United Nations studies, essential frontline health workers, 82% of whom are female, have experienced extreme stress during the pandemic in Uzbekistan. Half of female healthcare workers reported suffering from anxiety, burnout, and depression. The studies revealed that the pandemic has been disrupting main health services and reduced women’s economic, social, and psychological well-being disproportionately in Uzbekistan.

Professor Zulfiya Tursunova, wearing a blue jacket and black glasses