VA Isakson and Roe Section 1018 (Shopping Sheet)

Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020
Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, adds new requirements for educational institutions participating in the educational assistance programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These new provisions became effective June 15, 2021 and will apply to Institutions of Higher Learning and Non-College Degree institutions beginning August 1, 2021. Many of the requirements are consistent with the requirements of the Principles of Excellence, currently in Executive Order 13607; however, there are requirements in addition to those embodied in the Principles of Excellence which schools must also satisfy to maintain approval for GI Bill® participation. Schools must satisfy the requirements of section 1018 by August 1, 2021.
Retention, Graduation, and Job Placement Rates
See Student Right to Know for information on retention, graduation, and job placement rates at Guilford College.
Transfer Credits
- Acceptance of General Transfer Credits: See Transfer Credits page for information on the acceptance of transfer credits at Guilford College.
- Acceptance of Military Credits: See top of VA page or Credit for Military Vets for information on the acceptance of military credits.
- Teacher Licensure: To become a licensed educator in North Carolina, there are additional costs to tuition. The total costs for these additional requirements is approximately $1,000, most of which are incurred in the last 2 to 3 semesters of matriculation. The list below shows the breakdown of these costs:
- Admission Exams (Praxis 1) ≈ $150.00
- Criminal Background Check ≈ $3.00-$100 (varies based on state/# of counties/etc.)
- Student Teaching fees (added to tuition) ≈ $250.00
- Licensure Exams ≈ $500 (edTPA, Praxis 2, Pearson)
- Licensure Fee ≈ $70.00
For more information about the Licensure programs, please contact Deedee Pearman at
Advisement and Course Registration
Admitted students, including students receiving VA benefits, register for classes through BannerWeb, Guilford College’s student information system. First-year and sophomore students are primarily advised by CAPE, the College’s centralized advising office. Juniors and seniors are primarily advised by a faculty adviser. New students admitted for the fall semester register during the summer orientation sessions. New students admitted for the spring semester register in late fall/early winter. Continuing students can register for spring classes in November and summer and fall classes in late March/early April.
For more information on registration and advisement at Guilford College, visit the CAPE webpage or contact CAPE at or 336.316.2187.
Graduation Requirements
- The Guilford College Curriculum: The Guilford College Curriculum consists of three components to include Critical Bases, Integrative Experience, and the Major. See the Guilford College Curriculum to view the following the three following curricular components required to graduate from Guilford College
- Critical Bases
- Integrative Experience
- The Major
- For overall Degree Requirements, see Graduation.
- Degree Maps: See “Degree Maps” by department under Academic Programs and Degree Planning to view specific plans for your major.
Cost of Attendance
- See Cost for First-Year Students (Including Transfers) for students below the age of 23.
- See Continuing Education for tuition and fees for students aged 23 years or older.
- See Cost of Attendance under Additional Information for an estimated cost of books and living expenses
What Your VA Benefits Will Cover
Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) at 100% — Traditional Age Student
- Tuition and Fees: Chapter 33 Benefits will cover 100% of fall tuition and mandatory fees to include the college fee, student association fee, and orientation fee. Chapter 33 will cover athletic insurance for student athletes and the student health insurance if not waived. Guilford College is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon program and will cover 50% of the tuition & fee expenses that exceed the maximum in-state cap in the spring semester. The other 50% is matched by the VA.
- Other Expenses (Room & Board, Books, and Supplies): The average room & board cost for a first-year student is $6,450 based on a double-occupancy room and 19 meal plan. Chapter 33 recipients living on campus may apply up to $1,236 of the VA Housing Allowance they receive monthly while in class (excludes semester breaks) towards room & board. Aid awards outside of VA benefits may cover room & board without utilizing the VA Housing Allowance. Chapter 33 recipients may contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 336.316.2354 concerning financial aid awards in relation to their VA benefits. Chapter 33 recipients may contact Student Accounts at or 336.316.2541 to learn how they can utilize TouchNet concerning making applicable payments towards charges not covered by Chapter 33.
- The estimated cost of living expenses per semester including books, supplies, personal expenses, and transportation and loan fees is $2,230. Chapter 33 recipients may apply up $1,000 of their book allowances towards living expenses.
Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) at 100% — CE Student
- Tuition and Fees: Chapter 33 Benefits will cover 100% of fall and spring tuition and mandatory fees to include the college fee and student association fee.
- Other Expenses (Books and Supplies): The estimated cost of living expenses per semester including books, supplies, personal expenses, and transportation and loan fees is $2,230. Chapter 33 recipients may apply up $1,000 of their book allowances towards living expenses.
- Note for Traditional and CE Chapter 33 Recipients: Under Chapter 33, the VA will only make direct payments to higher educational institutions for tuition and fees. Chapter 33 recipients may apply housing and book allowances towards charges outside of tuition and fees at their discretion.
Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (Chapter 35) — Traditional Age Student
Chapter 35 recipients may apply up to $1,298 of the stipend they receive monthly towards any the following educational expenses at Guilford College:
- Tuition and Fees - $20,570 (per semester based on tuition, college and student association fees). *Recipients may also apply the pay rate towards other fees such as lab fees, athletic insurance, or student health insurance if not waived.
- Room and Board - $6,450 (based on a double-occupancy room and 19 meal plan)
- Living Expenses - $2,230 (estimated books, supplies, personal expenses, transportation, and loan fees for one semester)
- Chapter 35 recipients may contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 336.316.2354 concerning financial aid awards. Chapter 35 recipients may contact Student Accounts at or 336.316.2541 to learn how they can utilize TouchNet concerning making payments towards applicable charges.
Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (Chapter 35) — CE Student
Chapter 35 recipients may apply up to $1,298 of the stipend they receive monthly towards any the following educational expenses at Guilford College:
- Tuition and Fees - $5280 (based on 12 credit hours, college and student association fees). *Tuition is increased by $420 for each credit hour a CE student takes beyond 12 credits
- Living Expenses - $2,230 (estimated books, supplies, personal expenses, transportation, and loan fees for one semester)
- Chapter 35 recipients may contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 336.316.2354 concerning financial aid awards. Chapter 35 recipients may contact Student Accounts at or 336.316.2541 to learn how they can utilize TouchNet concerning making payments towards applicable charges.
- Note for Traditional and CE Chapter 35 Recipients: Under Chapter 35, direct payments are made to the student rather than the institution. Chapter 35 recipients may apply their monthly stipends towards tuition and fees or any applicable charges to include room and board, books, and supplies at their discretion.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Availability
All traditional students admitted to Guilford College are reviewed for a merit scholarship that can range between $15,000 and $27,000 per year for a total of 4 years. The amount is dependent upon the strength of the high school academic performance and the application materials submitted for admission to the College. Students that file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are also reviewed for federal and state financial aid, such as PELL grants, SEOG Grants. Federal Work Study, Direct Student Loans, and state grant and loan programs. Eligibility in federal and state aid programs is dependent upon the FAFSA data and the eligibility criteria set forth by the administering body.
Continuing Education (CE) students are encouraged to file the FAFSA to be reviewed for federal and state financial aid programs.
Financial Aid Notification
Guilford College communicates to prospective and admitted students the availability of federal financial aid in the following ways:
- For Inquiries: FAFSA, No App on File email goes to seniors about two weeks after they inquire, encouraging them to complete the FAFSA. It includes a link to the “free” Guide to Paying for College downloadable.
- For Admits:
- 5 Things to Do Now email goes to admitted students 15 days after they’re accepted. No. 2 on the to-do list (following only deposit) is submit your FAFSA.
- Financial Aid Checklist email goes to admitted students 26 days after they’re accepted. Obtain FSAID is No. 1 on the list and Complete FAFSA every year is No. 2 on the list in the PDF.
- A 3-part postcard/email series sends to admitted students. The first postcard email is dedicated to submitting the FAFSA.
Upon acceptance at Guilford College, traditional students are awarded their merit scholarship and encouraged to file the FAFSA. Emails are sent to all accepted students informing them of federal and state aid opportunities if they file the FAFSA. When we receive the FAFSA the Office of Financial Aid notifies the student of any federal and state aid they are eligible to receive.
Educational Assistance
For information concerning VA benefits certification at Guilford College or if you need assistance connecting with staff in financial, academic, health or accessibility services, contact Charlene Bedillion, Director of Financial Aid, at or 336.316.2410.
Estimated amount of student loan debt the individual would have upon graduation:
The amount of student loan debt varies widely amongst our student population. On average, students that borrow their federal Direct loans graduate with $27,000 in federal student loan debt.
- Other information to facilitate comparison by the individual about aid packages offered by different educational institutions. We understand that students have many options when it comes to selecting a college. Guilford College is committed to making your college experience affordable, which is why we offer one-on-one counseling to review any financial aid packages that you have from competing institutions. We will help you decipher the true out of pocket costs each institution will cost you to attend.
- Provide policies that inform an enrolled covered individual of the availability of federal financial aid, not administered by VA that is offered by the institution. Guilford college communicates to prospective and admitted students the availability of federal financial aid in the following ways:
- For Inquiries:
- FAFSA, No App on File email goes to seniors about two weeks after they inquire, encouraging them to complete the FAFSA. It includes a link to the “free” Guide to Paying for College downloadable.
- For Admits:
- 5 Things to Do Now email goes to admitted students 15 days after they’re accepted. No. 2 on the to-do list (following only deposit) is submit your FAFSA.
- Financial Aid Checklist email goes to admitted students 26 days after they’re accepted. Obtain FSAID is No. 1 on the list and Complete FAFSA every year is No. 2 on the list in the PDF.
- A 3-part postcard/email series sends to admitted students. The first postcard email is dedicated to submitting the FAFSA.
- For Inquiries:
- Provide information on how the College will alert the individual of the potential eligibility for other federal financial aid before packaging or arranging student loans or alternative financing. Upon acceptance at Guilford College, traditional students are awarded their merit scholarship and encouraged to file the FAFSA. Emails are sent to all accepted students informing them of federal and state aid opportunities if they file the FAFSA. When we receive the FAFSA the Office of Financial Aid notifies the student of any federal and state aid they are eligible to receive.