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Modern Language Studies Department (Kami Rowan

Dave Limburg

Professor for German


+1 (336) 3162204


David Limburg started teaching at Guilford in the fall of 1993. He teaches German, but more than just the language. Language teaching underlies everything he does at Guilford.

By the time students are completing their first year of German, the bridge has been built to a new world of literature, theater, film, culture, and especially — experiences abroad.

My research interests are in teaching pedagogy and the culture, film and literature of the Weimar Republic, the period between the two World Wars in Germany.

He has written three German textbooks, which he uses in his Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced German classes: 1. Mal was Neues: A New Approach to Learning German; 2. Beschreib deine Welt; and 3. Satzsuche im Wortwald.

He teaches all of the courses in the German program at Guilford, from Communicating in German I, to Intermediate German, to advanced culture/literature courses, to the German 400 Seminars and Senior Thesis projects. He also teaches courses in Munich, Germany, when leading Study Abroad.


The Ohio State University, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, M.A.,
Augustana College (Sioux Falls, S.D.), B.A.,
German and English

Courses Taught

Communicating in German I
Intermediate German
Advanced Culture and Literature Courses
German 400 Seminars
Senior Thesis
Courses in Munich, Germany, when leading Study Abroad