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Outside Concurrent Employment

Guilford College employees are expected to devote their work efforts and energies toward the accomplishment of their Guilford obligations and commitments. To assure that employees do not undertake or engage in any outside employment that might conflict with the interests of the College, or hamper their abilities to fulfill their College obligations, employees are required to proactively work with their managers/supervisors before undertaking secondary employment. 

Purpose/Reason for Policy: Guilford College recognizes that some employees may need or want to hold additional jobs outside their employment at the College. This policy defines the parameters under which secondary employment can be concurrently undertaken successfully.  

Scope/Covered Persons: All Guilford College employees

Definitions: Outside employment is defined as any form of employment or business relationship such as, but not limited to, consulting, advising, performing work duties, analyses or examinations, either similar to or different from their Guilford jobs, that are performed in addition to the official responsibilities of a full-time employee at Guilford College.

The Policy:  

All employees must meet their assigned job performance standards regardless of the demands of any outside employment.

Regular and ongoing outside employment for full-time administrative employees is permitted only with the prior written approval of the manager, the appropriate senior administrator and the President. Full-time nonexempt employees are asked to inform their supervisors of any secondary employment.

Permission will not be given for an employee to take an outside position with a company or higher education institution when it would pose a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict, or when the secondary employer is in direct competition with the College.

Coaching staff and administrators who work schedules that are less than twelve (12) months may avail themselves of temporary employment opportunities outside the College during those months when they are not expected to be actively employed by the College.

Faculty employment at Guilford College is considered full time (August 15 - May 15) unless otherwise explicitly provided in employment arrangements. Concurrent regular employment may be undertaken by full-time faculty only with the prior written approval of the department chairperson and the Academic Dean. This regulation is not intended to discourage such activities as research, consulting, or public address. It seeks rather to ensure that College responsibilities are fulfilled and to safeguard the primary obligations of Guilford College to its students.

Compliance: If the employee is unable to maintain a satisfactory work performance standard as a result of outside employment, the permission to work for another employer may be rescinded, or the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

Other related Policies, Regulations, Statutes and Documents: Conflicts of Interest

Approval Authority: The College President  

Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources, King Hall 101,

Revision History: Updated in the Employee Handbook revision of 2018