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Alcohol and Drugs

In compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Guilford College employees are expected to report for work in appropriate mental and physical condition to effectively carry out their job responsibilities. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances on College premises or while conducting College business off College premises is absolutely prohibited. 

Purpose/Reason for Policy: To comply with The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Act and to further Guilford’s commitment to a safe workplace and learning environment.

Scope/Covered Persons: All Guilford College Employees


  • ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES include any beverage that may be legally sold and consumed and has an alcoholic content in excess of 3 percent by volume. 
  • DRUGS refer to substances other than alcohol that are capable of altering an individual's mood, perception, pain level, or judgment. 
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS are substances prescribed for the individual's consumption by a licensed medical practitioner. 
  • ILLEGAL DRUGS include any drug or controlled substance the sale or consumption of which is illegal. 

The Policy:  

The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Act requires that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a drug and alcohol prevention program and has established policies and procedures to support that program.

The use, possession, manufacture, sale, or transfer of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages on College property, in College vehicles, or while engaged in College work or other official College activities is strictly forbidden. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while engaged in College work or other official College activities, while on College property or while in College vehicles also is prohibited.

Guilford College views alcohol, drug, and other dependencies as treatable behavioral and medical problems. However, the College also intends to provide an alcohol and drug-free, safe environment for all and expects all employees to report to work fit to do their jobs. 

The one exception to this policy relates to College-sponsored business and social functions where the use or possession of alcohol by those of legal age for a specified event has been authorized by the president or the vice president for academic affairs. (See the Student Handbook for student related alcohol policies.) Employees' use of alcohol while conducting business away from campus, attending a College-sponsored business or social function away from campus, or otherwise representing the College at outside functions is permitted only to the extent that it does not lead to impaired performance or inappropriate behavior; endanger the safety of any individual; or violate applicable law.

Employees who must possess and consume drugs prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes may be asked to submit a physician's statement that authorizes the employee to work while under the influence of prescribed drugs, and addresses any limitations caused by the drug on the individual’s ability to work.

In certain situations, the College may, but is not required to, mandate require medical evaluation and treatment of the employee as a condition of continuing employment if the employee's substance problem is affecting work performance or is creating a dangerous, intimidating or unprofessional work environment for others. In some cases the College may require that the employee take a leave of absence from the College in order to seek treatment.

Roles and Responsibilities: All members of the Guilford College community. 


In accordance with federal law and regulations governing the receipt of federal monies, an employee must notify the College of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 

The College must notify the appropriate federal granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice from an employee or otherwise receiving official notice of such a conviction. 

Within thirty (30) days of a conviction, the College will take appropriate personnel action regarding the employee, up to and including dismissal, or require the employee to participate satisfactorily in drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. 

In addition, when there is suspicion of illegal activity, the College will cooperate voluntarily with local law enforcement personnel who seek information concerning an employee's involvement with drugs.

Any employee who is found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work will be subject to disciplinary action by the College which is not limited to but may include rehabilitation programs, probation, discipline, or termination.

Other Related Policies, Regulations, Statutes and Documents: The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Act


Any employee may voluntarily seek help for a drug or alcohol problem from the Office of Human Resources. All such requests for information will be treated as confidential. Employees will be referred to appropriate counseling or medical facilities for assistance and may submit bills for payment in accordance with the employee health insurance plan. Employees seeking in-patient rehabilitation or intensive outpatient treatment may take College sick and/or disability leave to cover the treatment time away from the office.

As with other types of medical leave, the College will require documentation from the physician, treatment center or other health care provider to support the employee's absence and will require a medical release when the employee returns to work.

Approval Authority: The Guilford College President

Responsible Office: 
Office of Human Resources
Bauman Telecommunications Center
Suite 105B

Revision History: Updated in the Employee Handbook revision of 2018